Our Prayer Wall
The prayer wall with its colored prayer tags filling the fence at the corner of Perry and Warren Streets, has become a fixture in downtown Trenton.
Passersby continue to stop and read the prayers left on colored tags before scribbling a prayer of their own. Click on the picture at-left to read some of the prayers.
Behind the fence stand symbolic crosses memorializing those who have died from gun violence over the previous year in Trenton, whose names are read each Sunday during Prayers for the People.
12-Step Recovery
For over twenty years St. Michael’s has hosted a variety of 12-Step meetings for addiction recovery. Every week, old-timers are there to help newcomers turn around the downward spiral of their lives. Narcotics Anonymous meets Sunday (7pm) and Monday (7:30pm), CODA meets Tuesdays at 6pm, SLAA Tuesday at 7pm, SA meets Sunday at 6pm. Anyone wishing to start a new meeting is welcome to contact us through the 12-Steps & More Books, where literatures for Food Addicts, Gambling, Debting, Alcohol and other programs can be purchased.


The Practice of Democracy - The People's Studio Practicum ( click here to see St. MIchael's entering the national stage!)