Weaving a Symphony of Faith

Drawing from the inspiration of Diana Butler Bass’s book, The Practicing Congregation, our little parish is re-imagining itself as a community hub.

The overall mission of the church, along with its children and partners, is to become a community hub for lifelong learning, a spirit of opening up oneself to the light of God, above the shadow of a worldly cynicism that casts itself over us.

At a moment in our American history when conflict entrepreneurs dominate the public landscape, and when we must stand up to the dependence on social media, which has become a dominant faith of the young, embracing technology would seem a rather strange and dangerous strategy for any church to espouse. St.Michael’s is itself a house of worship, but also the hub of a mixed community of believers, non-believers, and those on the fence– a haven and harbor, a people’s garden growing fellowship among our neighbors.

Looking to the Future, our own family of organizational “children” shall carry the banners of mental health, our American heritage of democracy, and of lifelong learning. Taken together, these ‘children’ shall provide the first stepping stone for a new knowledge technology, one that shall create economic values by bringing people together. Click on the link below to see how the spirit of St. Michael himself shall take up the battle against the dragontoday’s dominating culture of the conflict entrepreneurs. Call it a spiritual investment, with hopes for a renaissance of plenty of good work ahead for the children of Trenton!

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