Conceived as a way to promote the church, a series of half-hour radio variety shows was created to be premiered and recorded live in our cafe in the upstairs Parish Hall, e.g. THE UPPER ROOM, with the goal of taking it to senior centers, making The St. Michael Players into an old-time travelling road-show. Like many a great idea, we got bogged down in rehearsals for episode 2, and episode 3, dedicated to crossing guards, is still a-waitn’ trial.
Ernie Kovacs graduated Trenton Central High, and then went on radio. Many consider him the ‘father of TV comedy.” Radio shows in those days were somewhat like “Sesame Street,” built around recurring themes and characters, introducing new songs, which is what Kovac’s Cafe does. At the “Kovac’s Cafe,” St. Michael himself is one of our characters- a saint whose spirit is stuck in a creaky old building.
The theme of “The Upper Room” is a twist on the Last Supper, but in Kovacs’ style, this is a Passover Seder. Each episode we hear from a Genesis couple, who let us in on a few unknown twists to their tale, as well as a twist on the seder’s own theme of FREEDOM through recovery.
Now if you don’t think this can be turned into comedy, click on the demo below!!! (You can tune to the theme-song for the Delaware River exactly at 7:00 on your podcast dial, and The Mother’s Day Song at 25:44).
The St. Michael’s Players (Mr. Boggs, Momie Ariel, and The Voice of St. Michaels) are currently seeking grant funding under the auspices of 12-Steps & More Books for Mental and Spiritual Health. Listen to our opening “demo.” We’re ready and waiting to flower!